RHRAER series heat recovery are available in 4 models with nominal airflow rate from 600 to 4260 m3/h.They can permit very high money saving, recovering up to 80% of heat contained in the exhaust air, which otherwise would be lost. This is possible by using a special air-to-air high surface exchanger. These units may be integrated with traditional heating and cooling systems (such as fan-coils, water heaters, etc.) and can operate both in summer and winter seasons; besides, they are particularly suitable for false ceiling installation and may be appropriately ducted allowing air supply and air suction directly in the room in many different orientations.
Mechanical features
Fully removable panels (sandwich type). Acoustic and thermal panel insulation 20 mm thickness. The panels are fixed to the frame by steel screws. Fan section is complete of double inlet forward curved centrifugal fan, mounted on antivibrators and selected to work at the maximum speed with as low as possible noise level. The electric motor, direct driven type, is a single phase 3 speed for RHRAER 14-19-30 and 3-phase 2 speed for RHRAER 50, eventually controlled by control panel; as an option, the motor can be equipped by the frequency converter. Heat recovery is an aluminium plated crossflow exchanger — EUROVENT certificated -; under the recovery a removable galvanized steel drain tray is installed. Air filters are synthetic cell cleanable type G4 class efficiency, removable from lower or side panels; as an option, F6-F7-F8 soft bag filter after theG4 prefilter.
Tvg Group
Системы вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха