Low profile ductable fancoil units 150 Pa
The structure is made with exclusive profiles and pre-painted double-shell steel panels sandwich type) 10 mm thick (for sizes 111, 221, 282, 342, 402) or 20 mm (for sizes 512 and 653), internally insulated with polyurethane material. The panels are provided with a seal and secured to the frame with inox steel screws.
The wide lower door ensures access to all internal components and very easy maintenance.
The fans are of the dual-intake centrifugal type with dynamically balanced, direct-coupled forward bladed impellers. The motors are 3-speed single-phase mounted on hard rubber supports that absorb all the vibrations. Suitable quiet plenums are offered to reduce noise.
The CU/AL coils are easily accessed for extraordinary cleaning and can be disassembled and replaced, even with the unit mounted.
Описание GHIBLI
Tvg Group
Системы вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха